If there’s someone who actually enjoys the process of going through airport security, we’ve never met that person. All too often, it’s a slow, frustrating process, and it’s sometimes humiliating as well, as when your belongings get pulled out for all to see or you get invasively patted down, also for all to see unless you request a private screening.
So, how can you make this process faster and a little less miserable? We have some ideas!
1. Check-in Online

Most airlines allow online check-in now. You can download or print your boarding pass ahead of time and go straight to bag check or security.
2. Fly at Non-peak Times

Most people don’t like getting up ridiculously early or taking red-eye flights. However, airports aren’t very busy at those times, so the trip through security can be a lot faster.
3. Know What the Rules Are

If you know what you can and can’t bring through security, your bag will be less likely to be flagged for inspection. For example, some people still don’t know you can’t bring a filled water bottle through, and then they have to waste time emptying it, arguing about it, or leaving it behind.
4. Wear Slip-on Shoes

Unless you have a special status, you’re probably going to have to take off your shoes as you go through security. Slip-on shoes are faster to remove and put back on.
5. Check Your Bag

If you check your bag, you don’t have to take it through security. This saves you time removing and replacing items like laptops, and you’ll be a lot less likely to trigger additional screening.
6. Have ID and Documents Accessible

Don’t be that person who fumbles around for their ID, passport, or other required documents and holds up everyone else in the process. Have everything you need in hand or easily accessible before you get to the TSA agent checking things.
7. Use the Shorter Lines

In airports that have multiple security locations, the ones on the end tend to have fewer people. The extra walking might require less time than standing in the busier lines.
8. Dress Strategically

Try not to wear clothing that you may have to remove or which may set off the sensors. For example, avoid belts and clothing with lots of metal snaps if you can.
9. Use the TSA App

With the app, you can check ahead of time for delays and how long the expected security time currently is. Then you can adjust your arrival time to avoid longer waits or needless time spent in the airport.
10. Pack Properly

You often have to remove items such as laptops and liquids, among other things. Know what you might have to take out and pack so that it’s quick and easy to take those things out and put them back in.
11. Minimize Metals and Liquids

Metallic objects and liquids, even if they’re within the types or amounts allowed, are more likely to get flagged for closer inspection. Not packing them, if you can, may save you that annoying wasted time as an agent rummages through your belongings to inspect items that are perfectly harmless.
12. Arrive Early

This may not have any effect on how quickly the security line moves. However, it gives you more cushion in case things are slower than usual, reducing stress over missing your flight.
13. Get Ziploc Bags

Store your liquids and anything else likely to get flagged in Ziploc bags. This makes it easier to remove them if that’s required or if your bag gets flagged.
14. Get TSA PreCheck or CLEAR

These programs do cost extra money, but most people who get them think they’re worth it. With PreCheck, for example, you don’t have to remove things like belts, shoes, and laptops. CLEAR may allow you to skip the screening line altogether.
15. Be Polite

Just be nice. TSA agents feel stress, too, and they know that everyone is unhappy about the screening process. If you’re rude to them, you’re probably more likely to “earn” additional screening. It’s just human nature.
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