We’ve all been there. It’s almost time to go to bed, but you start feeling a nagging hunger pang coming on, and you know you won’t be able to sleep unless you do something about it.
Nighttime snacks are notoriously known for being unhealthy as they are usually easy to reach for convenient foods, but maybe we can change that. The good news is that there are several healthy options that one could munch on before bed, and they are both satisfying and sleep-promoting.
Banana With Almond Butter

Bananas contain serotonin, which is a nerve messenger that can convert to melatonin (the sleep hormone) in the body. Almonds offer a good supply of melatonin, and they are also laced with healthy fats, magnesium, and vitamin E. Magnesium is known to promote sleep as it relaxes the muscles and prevents muscle contraction.

Walnuts are touted for being a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. This quality gives these nuts the ability to promote sleep. They also contain protein and fiber, which encourage overall satiety, health, and sleep.
Tart Cherries

Cherries are not only a great antiinflammatory fruit, but they also contain the sleep enhancing hormone melatonin. Furthermore they aksi contain the phytochemical procyanidin B-2 which can promote the uptake of the amino acid tryptophan which is used to make melatonin.
Protein Smoothie

If you are really hungry before bed, then a protein shake may be your best bet. Protein smoothies will not only fill you up, but they also support muscle repair during sleep. Making your protein smoothie with milk will ensure you get a tryptophan dose, which your body can use to make serotonin and melatonin which both aid good sleep.
Smoked Salmon on Whole Wheat Bread or Crackers

Ryzhkov Photography/Shutterstock.
Smoked salmon’s fattiness will ensure your nighttime hunger is curbed in a satiating way. The saltiness is also great for satisfying cravings, and the omega-3 fatty acids are great for promoting sleep.
Greek Yogurt with Fruit

Greek yogurt is relatively high in protein and fats, which can keep you feeling satiated for longer. It also contains vitamin D and tryptophan, which both promote healthy sleep. The fruit will provide a sound source of fiber, which is excellent for overall gut health.
Cottage Cheese Dip and Veggie Sticks

Much like yogurt, cottage cheese also offers a source of protein and fat, which are great for beating the nighttime hunger pangs. This food also contains good sources of vitamin D and tryptophan. If cottage cheese is not your thing, then you can always opt for hummus, guacamole, or even a Greek yogurt dip. The veggie sticks will provide a good source of fiber, which is great for overall health as well as the gut lining.
Pumpkin Seeds

A handful of pumpkin seeds make a great nighttime snack as these seeds are packed with magnesium and tryptophan, which are both known to promote a good night’s rest. Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of fat and protein and they will therefore keep you satisfied for longer.
20 Food to Stockpile (For the Best Chance of Survival)

A well-stocked pantry can provide peace of mind and empower you to handle any situation. Whether it’s a natural disaster, economic instability, or simply unexpected guests, having a stash of versatile essential foods can make all the difference.
Here’s a list of 20 of the best foods to stockpile, ensuring you’re ready for whatever comes your way.
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