When people visit museums, they often rate the things they see there. There are countless reviews of masterpieces that have positive things to say, but there are also many that have negative things to say.
These ratings and reviews were analyzed to see which masterpieces get the highest number of negative reviews relative to positive reviews. According to CouponsBirds, these are the most disappointing masterpieces to visit.
Mona Lisa, The Louvre, Paris

This is a highly disappointing masterwork to many people. The area around it is always crowded, and the painting is quite small. It’s hard to get even a glimpse of this painting. It has a negative rating in reviews of 37.1%.
Liberty Leading the People, The Louvre, Paris

This is another painting that is very difficult to see. It always has an unorganized crowd around it, and reviewers mentioned the crowds quite a lot in scathing reviews. It has a negative rating of 34.5%.
The Persistence of Memory, Museum of Modern Art, New York City

The disappointment of seeing this work is often because it’s so small. However, a large portion of reviewers complain that they couldn’t see it at all because it’s often on loan to other museums. It has a negative rating of 31.2%.
Campbell’s Soup Cans, Museum of Modern Art, New York City

Maybe this is disappointing because, well, it’s a painting of soup cans. The reviews of this painting are 30.5% negative. Many reviews cite that they were disappointed by the subject of the painting.
Impression Sunrise, Musee Marmottan Monet, Paris

The painting that gave rise to the term impressionist is another that you have to battle the crowds to see. This is a smaller museum, and the crowds this painting attracts have resulted in a negative rating of 29.4%.
The Starry Night, Museum of Modern Art, New York City

This magnificent painting is so well known that everyone wants to see it. And, that’s the problem. It’s so crowded around this painting that it’s tough to get a glimpse. The painting gets a negative rating of 28.9%.
Guernica, The Reina Sofia, Madrid

This painting by the brilliant mind of Pablo Picasso gets a negative rating of 26.2%. It’s an enormous painting, so it’s possible to see it even in crowds. However, it’s so large that being able to jostle through the crowd to see it all is difficult.
School of Athens, Pinacoteca Vatican, Vatican City

The School of Athens is a magnificent painting full of amazing detail. However, everyone wants to see it. The Vatican is always extremely crowded and has narrow rooms. The difficulty of seeing it has led to a negative rating of 25.2%.
Almond Blossom, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

This painting from the amazing Van Gogh is fairly small, usually crowded, and well, kind of boring. It’s just some small flowers on branches and has little detail. It has earned a negative rating of 24.4%.
The Birth of Venus, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy

This painting is a large one, but it’s also incredibly crowded. Whatever you can see over countless heads is what you get to see in this painting. It has a negative rating of 23.7%.
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