A lot of the time, what we put in our grocery carts depends on what we’re feeling like at the moment.
However, there are some staples we should always have in the fridge because they’re so versatile, we use them so often, we need them on standby, etc. How many of the following do you have in the fridge on a regular basis? What would you add to this list?
Parmesan Cheese
It’s tasty and goes with so many things. Parmesan cheese, and cheese in general, also makes an easy snack when you need some quick calories.
Even if you’re not a fan of eating eggs on their own, they’re key ingredients in so many recipes. And if you do like them, eggs make a quick and easy source of protein that’s filling as well.
You never know when there will be a cause for celebration, so always have cold champagne ready to go. Maybe just having it will be cause for celebration one night!
Butter in the fridge lasts practically forever. Of course, it takes a little longer to melt that way, but that’s a small issue when you consider how versatile butter is as an ingredient, pan greaser, and flavor enhancer.
If you don’t like having old bottles of ketchup and other condiments sitting around and getting crusty, which is totally understandable, there’s something else you can do. The next time to get fast food, ask for extra packets of ketchup, mustard, mayo, etc. Then just stash them in the fridge.
Greek Yogurt
This is a healthy, protein-packed snack that’s great any time of the day or night. A lot of people have also found ways to add it to meals and change their entire thinking about them.
Left in the jar, pickles are another food that will last almost forever. You can add them to sandwiches and meals, but they also serve as a convenient snack when you just need to grab and go.
Bouillon or Broth
Either can make a dish taste a lot better, and sometimes they’re required ingredients. Just keep an eye on the expiration dates for broth, as it can go bad over time.
Milk is a popular drink and can be really refreshing. It’s also an important part of many recipes; scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes are just two quick examples. Again, keep an eye on the expiration date and always give it the sniff test before you use it.
It’s juicy, sweet, refreshing, and filling. Watermelon is also good in the morning, afternoon, and night. Also, it’s not too expensive, especially if you’re going to buy a whole one and slice it up yourself.
Ginger keeps for a really long time in the fridge. It adds so much to so many recipes, and if you don’t have it, you’re not going to feel like driving out to get such a little thing. And then the meal suffers.
You can add mushrooms to just about any meal for extra texture, flavor, and heartiness. They usually stay good well past the date on the package, but always check them before you use them.
Soy Sauce
Soy sauce is another of those things that will basically keep forever in the fridge. It adds a quick dash of flavor to almost anything you’re eating, and it’s also pretty cheap.
Like ginger, garlic is a great addition to many recipes. You can keep garlic powder or salt in the pantry, but fresh garlic from the fridge is so much better.
Coffee Creamer
Many people have to start their day with coffee, and most people want at least some creamer to go with it. Not having it can ruin your morning by forcing you to make a run to the store or go without.
If you enjoy beer, you likely think that nothing else hits the spot after a long day or a hot day than an icy cold beer. That’s why you should always keep at least a bottle or two in the fridge.
Tortillas are cheaper and less filling than bread, and they last a long time when refrigerated. They’re also great as meals and snacks no matter what time of the day it is.
Smoked Sausage
Here’s another food that lasts a really long time in the fridge. Having it handy means you can enjoy it as a convenient snack or use it as part of a quick meal.
Wilted Lettuce
Unfortunately, not everything we keep in the fridge turns out well. All too often, we buy lettuce for making healthy salads and then forget about it or don’t use it up fast enough. Then we end up throwing it away, throwing away money as well.
Moldy Fruit
And we do the same with fruit, especially things like strawberries and blueberries. How many times have you brought home fresh, delicious berries and then days later found them growing mold? Probably too many, and that’s something you shouldn’t always have in the fridge, but which many of us unfortunately do.
20 Food to Stockpile (For the Best Chance of Survival)
A well-stocked pantry can provide peace of mind and empower you to handle any situation. Whether it’s a natural disaster, economic instability, or simply unexpected guests, having a stash of versatile essential foods can make all the difference.
Here’s a list of 20 of the best foods to stockpile, ensuring you’re ready for whatever comes your way.
20 Food to Stockpile (For the Best Chance of Survival)
12 Everyday Foods Some People Just Can’t Stand
When it comes to their foods, some people are just picky eaters. It’s surprising how certain popular foods can be so divisive. While many people love them, others can’t stand the taste, texture, or even the idea of eating them. Here are some surprising foods that some people just can’t stand.
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